The unpaid and late payment of invoices for the provision of services is, unfortunately, a reality that affects all sectors of the economy and society. From experience, we know that the collection of defaults cannot be an activity based on improvisation, but that it requires a systematization, a methodology, well-defined procedures, as well as certain knowledge and skills.
In order to minimize the risk of delinquency, ISP GESTIÓN PROVIDER, SL (ISP MANAGEMENT) and INTEGRAL ADVICE TELECO, SL (AIT) They have added resources and combined synergies to offer all our clients a definitive solution against bad debts, according to the current moment and with minimal intervention by the end user.
Being a user of software of ISP Gestión and hiring the Default Protection Solution of AIT, you can bring together the two services in a single platform, with all the advantages that this union provides.
In ISP MANAGEMENT For several years we have been developing management software for ISPs, expressly conceived to provide a solution to all the procedures that any ISP company faces on a daily basis.
For its part, AIT has always offered solutions to the problem that so worries any businessperson, regardless of their economic capacity and sector: the dreaded defaults. Since its inception it has offered different solutions to this problem, although in a non-automated way, more tedious and with a longer development time.
With more than 10 years of experience in the sector, from ISP MANAGEMENT we offer daily solutions to the different procedures that any ISP company faces, providing a full control of the business. Thanks to an innovative system, our customers from ISP MANAGEMENT they manage to bring together in the same software the different applications necessary for their day to day. With ISP Gestión you can combine software for network control, radius server, accounting from your ISP, and multiple options to manage your business. You will not need to spend time or money maintaining multiple programs.

Our software ISP Gestión is a SaaS (Software as a Service), which, thanks to the benefits of Cloud Computing, provides its users with total freedom and mobility to be able to access your data when, where and how you want. Our application is totally based on web environment. You only need a device that has a browser to access all the information and processes of your company at any time. Thanks to your customizable design to any screen, ISP Gestión It can be used on any device connected to the Internet, be it a desktop or laptop, tablet or smartphone.
Likewise, this software is in a constant process of updating and improvement, providing our users all updates for free that are being produced, so they always have the most recent version of the software and the new functionalities that are progressively incorporated.
The Default Protection Solution (SPI) consists in a 100% ONLINE solution, fast, safe and effective, designed to adapt to all types of sectors and developed by a team of expert technicians and legal specialists with a long history in the sector. Whether self-employed, SMEs or a multinational company, this is your tool definitive so you no longer have to worry about defaults. With this totally innovative and self-manageable application You can easily manage the procedures for claiming and defending your unpaid invoices by prejudicial and / or judicial means. In this way, you will save time and travel, as well as legal procedures that you will not always know how to solve correctly.

The procedure is extremely simple: With just one click, the system will create your files and that will be all your work. From that moment, AIT will assume the commitment, not only to carry out the pre-judicial procedures, but, if necessary, will also present the demand for payment of payment, making a complete and exhaustive follow-up of the entire judicial file, until the end of the process. Of course, you can consult the file at any time and find out what state it is in.
The collaboration between both companies and several months of work have resulted in an API that connects our software ISP Management with the Default Protection Solution, allowing our clients to ISP Gestión manage your defaults through the tool AIT, without seeing the need to abandon your management program and without having to resort to additional services. In addition, for this integration a automatic data dump between applications, thus eliminating the time spent by the client to manually enter the debtors' data.
This collaboration is born from the will and desire to continuously improve the services that both companies offer to their clients, always developing progress and improvements that facilitate, automate and optimize processes to save time and resources, and thus our clients can dedicate their time to what that really matters: the continued growth of your company or business.

In conclusion, we are very proud that all the efforts and work carried out by our technicians and programmers, both from ISP MANAGEMENT like AIThave been fruitful, offering the possibility of offering this innovative and revolutionary collaboration to all our clients.
In ISP MANAGEMENT, we are excited to have embarked on this path together with our colleagues from AIT.