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    Contract maintenance


    A summary of all existing contracts will appear on this screen.


    Code: it will be possible to write in the search engine in the contract code number.

    Contract title: will show us the name of the contract.

    Date: We can filter by the date the contract is active.

    Client: It can be filtered by the client's code or by typing the name.

    Rate category: A drop-down will appear with all the existing rate categories.

    Rate: A drop-down will appear with all the existing rates.

    Phone: We can filter by the phone number.

    PVP: Retail price

    Active: We can select whether the contract is active, incomplete, or not active.

    Actions: As long as we have permissions, these icons will appear.

    View, edit and delete.

    1.8.2 Control Services


    Through this screen we can keep track of the state in which the processes of the contracts are.


    Contract: We can filter by the contract number

    Date: You can search the process by date.

    Client: We can write code or customer name.

    Title: Filter by contract name

    Phone: We can filter by the phone number.

    State: A dropdown will appear with all the states created.

    Price: We can write the price of the rate to filter.

    Author: A dropdown will appear with all the users of the application.

    Actions: Depending on the permissions, an icon will appear, to view, edit or delete.

    If we click on one of the contracts, we can see that a window of this aspect opens:

    By clicking on process, we will change the status of the service. And the following message will appear.

    We will click on accept and we will change the status of the contract.

    en_GBEnglish (UK)
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