Always have at your disposal an expert worker in our ISPGestión software for the work and daily activity of your company.
With our added service 'Your Virtual Employee' You do NOT need to hire new staff or worry about their training, with the savings it means for your company in salaries, Social Security costs, work unforeseen, leave or vacations, training time, etc.
Our purpose is to ensure that the different user companies have, whenever they need it, a qualified employee and expert in ISPmanagement
- Are you worried about your billing and need to keep it up to date?
- You do not have the time or the necessary means for the daily review of your telephony?
- Is it essential for you to have staff who can review your contracts, rates and configurations in 'real time', but you do not have the time necessary for their training?
- Would you like to implement some ISPGestión functionality, but don't have the time or human resources to do so?
All these questions (and many more) have an easy and quick solution. Discover here the answer.