First of all, it is essential to be very clear about the activities that you want to carry out in your company, that is, if you want to provide telecommunications services as an 'Operator' or simply are going to distribute the services provided by other operators as 'Marketer'.
For a company that has considered being part of the Telecommunications sector, it is essential to know how to differentiate between the concepts of Marketer and Operatoras they can cause confusion and, more often than you think, end up taking their toll sooner or later. In addition, they can sometimes cause major conflicts that require the intervention of the CNMC and usually entail some other sanction (for example, see the file SNC / DTSA / 021/15 / CCFC).

When a company acts as Marketer or Distributor is dedicated, roughly, to managing the service provided by other electronic communications operator / s. A marketer is NOT responsible for the service to the end users, does NOT manage the numbering, does NOT process portabilities as a donor or recipient operator (at most, it does it as an intermediary), and is NEITHER concerned with the quality of the service nor is it responsible for solving incidents with end customers.
On the contrary, the company that acts as Reseller or Reseller you are in a totally different situation. In this case, it is necessary to obtain the corresponding licenses before the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) and the consequent mandatory registration in the Registry of Operators, since it is really being exercised Operator. This means that it will have to be in charge of providing the services itself, which implies carrying out a series of tasks that a marketer does not do: it will be responsible for the service and its quality to the end users, it will manage the numbering, it will carry out portability directly. and it will provide its clients with the best solution to any incident, among other activities.
Operator or Marketer? Do you know the difference?
By not assuming the obligations of the service provider directly, the Marketer it acts as a mere intermediary in the process. This translates into practice that the end customers will never be from the trading company, but from the real Operator, for whom it works. Therefore, in its favor it is true that the Marketing Company does not have too many worries on a day-to-day basis, but against it it will have an uphill battle to grow in the very difficult telecommunications sector and its only benefit will come from the commissions that correspond to it. every sale I can get.
However, the company that decides to be Operator or Reseller it bases its activity on renting the services from an external provider to resell them to its own end customers and can expand in such a way that it ends up providing its own services. With this scenario, it is possible to evolve on a larger scale and even become a supplier to other retail operators.

Once the two options have been analyzed: Do you want to work for others by selling your services? Or do you prefer to be a true Operator and provide services to your own clients? Are you a Marketer or Reseller? If you opt for the latter (the resale of services) remember that it is essential to obtain the corresponding licenses to be an Operator. If you do not know what they are or do not know how to do it, from Teleco Comprehensive Advisory (AIT) They will advise you according to your needs.
It is also possible that you already have some business proposal or even licenses purchased, but are not clear about the next step or keep wondering if you have chosen the right path. If you still have questions, please contact AIT where they will inform you in detail and help you make the best decision.
Always trust professionals. Trust AIT.
Original entry https://www.asesoriaintegralteleco.com/y-tu-eres-comercializadora-o-reseller-revendedor/