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New version ISP Management 5.02

    On our YouTube channel you can check the new version of our software ISP Gestión v5.02. In addition, we introduce the 2FA double authentication verification for the access login.

    We updated our ISP Management software to the new version 5.02. We highlight as the main novelty for this version the TWO-STEP VERIFICATION (2FA) during user login in ISP Gestión. With this new development we intend to minimize risks in your company, since cyberattacks are becoming more frequent and dangerous.
    As you probably already know, 2-step verification consists of activating a second authentication factor, to confirm that we are really an authorized user, thus providing an extra layer of security for your ISP Management system.

    0:37 – 2-step verification (2FA).

    In addition, in this new version, you can find new features and improvements in the following sections:


    02:03 – Do not allow the creation of Contracts to clients included in the Black List.


    03:18 – Carry out Warehouse transfers with pending destination.


    04:36 – Restart Adamo's ONT from Contracts.

    05:12 – Portability of Share GB contracts through API for the operator CableMóvil.


    05:40 – Add sender's email in our messaging.


    06:13 – Include the international prefix of the contact telephone number in an Installation event.


    06:36 – Advocacy to create a data voucher for the operator Aire Networks.

    07:07 – Options to bill a SIM card in contracts marked as “Do not bill”.

    07:59 – Consult from a Contract the articles in Deposit of the same.

    08:14 – Add charge or discount on a bond from the Commercial Account.


    09:19 – Assign a recurring Flow to a User or Department.

    10:15 – import Estimates in the invoicing of a Work Flow.


    11:52 – New Openpay payment method for pending invoices from the Customer Panel.

    12:50 – Choose the shipping method to recover the password of the Customer Panel.


    13:36 – Delete events requested from HR.


    14:35 – See total time spent on a Ticket or Workflow directly, without accessing ISPresences.


    15:01 – Notices in Tickets / Workflows.

    17:16 – Show an icon if a Ticket or Workflow has unresolved events with Notifications.

    18:18 – Optimized reading in a single column for Ticket notes.

    18:34 – New Ticket view filters: Marketing, Online Contracts and Customer Portal.

    Read More »New version ISP Management 5.02

    New version ISP Management 5.0

      On our YouTube channel you can check the new version of our software ISP Gestión v5.0. In addition, we introduce our new FTTH GIS module.

      We updated our ISP Management software to the new version 5.0. In this new version and after months of hard work and development, we present our FTTH GIS module, fully integrated and functional with ISP Management. With the FTTH GIS module we will be able to geolocate our network deployments, as well as all its linked elements.

      In addition, in this new version, you can find new features and improvements in the following sections:


      01:03 – Module to create rectifying invoices without having to choose one that has been created or registered in ISP Gestión.

      01:49 – Being able to modify the reference and/or date of a rectifying invoice created manually.

      02:02 – The possibility of changing the start date of a contract with pending portability is allowed.

      02:29 – New module so that negative purchase/sale documents cannot be manually created.

      03:02 – Calculation of the costs of a contract based on its compound rate, instead of the services that comprise it.

      03:27 – Generate VIDSigner signature reports at any time and document status.

      03:44 – New form of PayU Latam collection for Cashier and Customer Panel.

      05:17 – Recharges from the Customer Panel with PayU.

      05:48 – For the use of the Tarificador, it will be possible to add diverse lines of tariffs and services.

      06:01 – Configure the possibility of sending a message to a client when their services are reactivated after a cut or ban.

      06:39 – Generate corrective invoice for the cancellation of a recharge, in order to avoid jumps or gaps in the numbering.


      07:10 – Create regularization for an item after it goes through RMA, as well as optimize the related processes.


      07:32 – New features for the Lemonvil Resmes API.

      07:50 – Mobile line registration directly in the operator's API.


      08:25 – Consultation of home coverage for our own fiber infrastructure.

      08:54 – Errors returned by the Adamo API are displayed using a descriptive message.


      09:08 – Calculation of the cost of incoming calls for the DDI's that we want.

      10:41 – Establish the sender of the mail for a notice due to cut off due to non-payment.


      11:10 – New module to directly assign a user to a flow at the time of its processing.


      11:57 – Show Krill CPE status on the Client Device.

      12:20 – Check to ask if we want to delete a team after review.

      12:49 – Improvements in Nodes / Services for Network equipment.

      13:18 – New PPPoE user graph in Dashboard and optimization of services so that they can be carried out on a scheduled basis.


      14:01 – Import of the monthly CDR's manually for the fixed Cablemovil operator.

      Read More »New version ISP Management 5.0

      New version ISP Management 4.51

        On our YouTube channel you can check the new version of our software ISP Gestión v4.51.

        News and improvements in the following sections of our software:


        00:23 – Do not group effects of different types of operations regardless of the type of your invoice.

        01:11 – For Cash collections, possibility of exporting in CSV format.

        01:27 – Configure Departments as Not Active.

        02:06 – Show the new owner (customer) assigned for changes of owner in the old contract.

        02:25 – For Budgets, if Rates are included, the trade name will be shown instead of the name of the rate.

        02:39 – New field in mailings to add emails manually.


        03:31 – Import serial numbers by file.


        03:57 – New API for the Likes Telecom operator, with which we can import CDRs.


        04:30 – New NIF and Invoice Date variables to add to our shipments.


        05:01 – From the Installation Calendar, in an Installation Flow, show the customer's mobile phone.


        05:19 – New accounting link for the miConta software.


        05:44 – Configure the Category as mandatory at the time of a new Commercial Account registration.


        06:36 – New Language filter for printing or sending invoices by email.


        07:14 – For the pre-invoicing of installments, in the generated CSV file, a new column is shown with the payment method.

        WORK FLOWS

        07:42 – Being able to create a new event in a user's calendar from a Workflow.


        08:53 – A new field has been added to modify Wi-Fi passwords of the Client Device.

        09:32 – Do not block a DHCP user if the authentication mode is DHCP+Radius.

        10:47 – Possibility of assigning a Radius pool to a specific user.

        11:12 – AP / PTP configuration to diagnose if they are working correctly.

        13:28 – New display for Nodes.


        14:07 – For POS, new permission to block price changes in a POS item (also in Purchase/Sale Documents).


        15:03 – Being able to filter calls by entering any past date as the start date, regardless of the configured Telephone Closing.

        15:36 – Schedule the import of CDR's individually and according to the file uploads of each operator.


        16:30 – Configure an auto-refresh for the Tickets view from Kanban and add a sound alert for new tickets from the same view.

        17:17 – Notes or notes may be added to the Tickets.

        18:16 – Configure the possibility of reopening a Ticket.

        18:53 – New filter to search for Tickets without an assigned user.

        19:08 – For a Ticket whose client is of unknown origin, we can automatically assign your contact information to one of our already created clients.

        Read More »New version ISP Management 4.51

        New version ISP Management 4.50

          On our YouTube channel you can check the new version of our software ISP Gestión v4.50.

          PRENOTE: Due to a bug, the video says v4.41, when it should actually show v4.50.

          News and improvements in the following sections of our software:


          00:23 – Warning message if the "Grace Days" button does not appear for the cut-off due to non-payment.

          00:49 – Manual ban for clients (only for visual information).

          01:59 – Calculate contract costs for Composite Rates.

          02:33 – Do not allow collections with an amount greater than that of the pending bills.

          04:18 – Sending a payment link to the Redsys platform for pending invoices.

          05:42 – Divide the permission between the manual creation and the automatic generation of invoices, to avoid jumps in their numbering.

          06:58 – Do not allow the creation of negative documents in automatic processes.

          07:40 – Sending all kinds of documents that require a signature via SMS, email or certifying API (if available).


          08:14 – Added Incofisa Scoring Incidents (probability of customer default).

          09:27 – Renaming of some operators.

          09:42 – For mailings, a new configurable field “Sender Mail”.

          10:04 – Multi-server Krill.


          10:59 – Differentiation between Notices to Users and Notices to Clients for Tickets.

          11:43 – Being able to group Notifications in a single pop-up notice and being able to reflect Notifications for linked Tickets and Flows.


          13:02 – Massive external portability of lines.

          13:54 – New section for Pre-contracts in low.


          14:22 – Choice of outgoing mail server for messages related to the signing of documents.

          WORK FLOWS

          14:53 – Configure Headquarters as mandatory for Flows.

          15:52 – For the Composite Flows that remain incomplete, being able to continue with their creation.


          16:26 – Add in the CDR reports, the operators that have days without calls.


          16:42 – For ad campaigns, a column has been added with the date and time of the last comment on the ticket (if it exists).


          17:10 – Improvements over Anvimur V2.

          17:34 – Preview the PPPoE password in Client Devices view (only for super-users).

          17:58 – Show by means of a color graph, the RX optical power for ont's Huawei, as well as edit the SSID via ACS.


          18:45 – Configure the interval of years of the invoices to be displayed in the Customer Panel.


          20:01 – Add permission to reactivate banned clients.

          20:38 – Permission to modify the price of a line in the body of a Purchase/Sale Document.


          21:15 – Allow the signing of users in Tickets and Flows that are not employees in the company.


          22:04 – Show alert when logging in if the password does not meet the minimum security requirements (both for ISP and for the Client Area). Also, a login attempt counter has been added to prevent brute force attacks.


          22:55 – Limit SIM cards by Agent and by Warehouse.


          23:32 – Optimization of the pdf generation process for the detail of calls in Invoices and Contracts.


          23:47 – For switchboards, from the DDI when indicating a switchboard or removing it, ask if we want to register the DDI or delete it (as long as it is in active service).

          24:42 – Configure the blocking of the queries for the Telephony Pre-invoicing while the import process lasts through Scheduled Task.


          25:54 – For the auto-responses of the tickets, we can configure different periods of time, and can also discriminate by different days and hours, as well as by Centers and Work Shifts.

          27:04 – Add emails from a ticket to people who do not participate directly in it, but who we want to notify.

          28:25 – Associate the status of the ticket to be marked as resolved automatically.

          Read More »New version ISP Management 4.50

          New version ISP Management 4.40

            On our YouTube channel you can check the new version of our software ISP Gestión v4.40.

            News and improvements in the following sections:


            00:22 – Save the state of the services of a telephone line before the cut due to non-payment.

            01:08 – Register SIM cards by scanning them from a mobile or tablet, as well as using a CSV file.

            02:06 – Filtering by operator in the mass deletion of SIM cards.

            02:15 – New importer of telephone rates.

            02:25 – Visual aids to correctly import call surpluses.

            02:49 – In Recharges, a new field 'Collection method for the Customer Panel'.

            03:17 – Possibility of invoicing contracts for the number of months we want.

            04:19 – Review, improvement and optimization of contract and pre-contract permits.

            04:30 – In contracts with changes of owner, the source contract code has been added in observations.

            04:43 – For Agent commissions, two new options: Calculation of commission for profit and Do not include discounts / single fee charges.

            05:03 – Scheduled task to remember contracts pending signing.

            05:53 – In the Tickets, configure the display of contracts and pre-contracts in low.

            06:11 – Link a shared Dropbox folder with ISP Document Management, for file sharing.

            07:12 – If a user has worked overtime, notify the user and the authorized HR users.

            08:19 – Possibility of duplicating Tickets.

            08:58 – Direct access for customers with grace days or banned.


            09:26 – For POS sales, if the item is in a different warehouse than the one in the header, a visual alert will be displayed.

            09:37 – Export in CSV file all the serial numbers of a certain article.

            ISP STORAGE

            09:53NOVELTY!! – Document management through NFS (Network File System), to free up disk space on your ISP instance.


            10:31 – ADAM. Added a representative field for companies.

            10:47 – 1S2U. New platform for sending SMS.

            11:13 – FINETWORK. Consultation of fiber coverage and visualization of rates by street.


            12:07 – For Agents, new notice when a pre-contract is transferred to a contract.

            TECHNICAL MENU

            12:36 – History of movements by serial number and MAC in the Client Devices.

            12:47 – New Incident “Massive registration in Radius of equipment with contract and active service”.

            13:03 – When registering a device in Radius, Fiber (Kiwi or Adamo), if the client is banned, block the device.

            13:16 – New button to refresh the Discovered ONT view.

            AGENT PANEL

            13:33 – New configuration for the Agent Panel: default, customization and updating of various permissions.

            14:46 – Creation of tickets from the Agent Panel.


            15:03 – Automatic signing when entering Flows / Tickets and not allowing signing in a ticket or flow if we have already signed in another, to avoid duplicate signings.

            Read More »New version ISP Management 4.40

            New version ISP Management 4.39

              On our YouTube channel you can check the new version of our ISP Management v4.39 software.

              News and improvements in the following sections:


              00:27 – Choose default payment method for sales credits.

              01:07 – Possibility of commissioning contracts, even if they are billed to the agent.

              01:37 – Identify a customer by phone number when capturing tickets, as well as decide if it will be shown in the customer panel by default.

              02:03 – Export remittances in CSV format.

              02:18 – When selecting a document for Sending External Documents, only files in PDF format will be displayed.

              02:33 – Generate an entry for each bill return, individually for each customer and bill returned.

              03:02 – Single installments in commissions (compatible with recurring commissions).

              03:26 – Filter by status in marketing campaigns.

              03:36 – Activate / Deactivate Stores.

              04:10 – Integration with the Ticketbai platform of the three Foral Haciendas of the Basque Country.

              05:02 – In the tickets, the comments not added will be added directly when we save the ticket (it will not be necessary to click on “Add comment”).

              05:20 – Not being able to create invoices with a different date than the day the invoice is created (so that all invoices are consecutive in date).


              06:22 – Scan the serial number using the camera of the mobile or tablet in the incident of Associate Client Device.


              06:56 – Add incidents from the Xtratelecom Community operator for workflows.

              07:09 – Add additional shared bonus for the operator Xtratelecom Móvil (Community).

              07:19 – For the operator Alea (Felix), we can transfer the custom SSID of the router when creating a new client.

              07:34 – Show real-time consumption of the Lemonvil operator.


              07:42 – Add the customer code in the ticket creation/modification message and in the activation, modification and closure of flows.

              08:02 – Add variables in the Subject field for sending a notice to the company regarding contracts signed online or in person.

              08:34 – Send email to the company when an Agent creates a new client or a new contract.

              08:54 – Being able to register packs directly in the Agent/Operator panel (integrated with the previous notice).

              09:30 – Configuration and sending of SMS to the client advising of the expected date of its portability.

              TECHNICAL MENU

              10:10 – New incident «Create Client Device».

              10:21 – Compulsory node for teams.

              10:43 – Visual improvements in the Network Equipment Diagnosis block.


              11:03 – Add a specific permission to be able to modify the cancellation date of contracts and services.


              11:43 – Added a search engine by associated DDI for Trunks.

              11:55 – It is not allowed to create or modify a Trunk with blank spaces in its name.

              12:06 – Possibility of mass deletion of SIM cards.

              Read More »New version ISP Management 4.39

              New version ISP Management 4.38

                On our YouTube channel you can check the new version of our ISP Management v4.38 software.


                News and improvements in the following sections:

                00:15 ISPRESENCES – Sending of reports with the movements related to presences by e-mail.

                00:53 ISPRESENCES – Compulsory assignment for Center and work shift.

                01:12 CLIENT DEVICES – History of Activate/Deactivate the ports of a service.

                01:28 CLIENT DEVICES – Assign the default Radius server in Client Devices and visual help to indicate if the field is empty in the Company Configuration.

                01:47 RATES – Mass rate changes can be synchronized with the operator's API.

                02:32 API ISP MANAGEMENT – Notices by e-mail when creating new contracts or new clients.

                02:53 BUSINESS ACCOUNTS – When uploading an image of the NIF, it will be saved in the client's Document Management.

                03:09 MAIL / TICKETS MODULE – Assign the tickets of unknown origin to the department that we want.

                03:24 API FELIX – For updates and new clients, request the headquarters.

                03:44 MYRUBRIC API – Message in case of error when synchronizing the data of a client.

                03:57 MYRUBRIC API – New implementation for notifications by SMS and Whatsapp.

                04:38 CLIENT DEVICES – When importing a Kiwi device, check PPPoE as the authentication type.

                04:58 FLOWS – Unsigning of the flow when saving.

                05:09 CONTRACTS – Added a fixed alert on the creation of Charges/Discounts.

                05:21 PURCHASE-SALE DOCUMENTS – When creating Advance Payments, if the payment method chosen is “Card”, the card or cards associated with the customer will be displayed.

                05:37 CONTRACTS – Option to add registration reasons in the contracts.

                07:25 CONTRACTS – We can select the processing user when we register a contract.

                07:58 MANAGEMENT – Optimized the process related to the capture of effects in remittances.

                08:05 TELEPHONY – New “Antiquity” field in the task of uploading CDR files to ftp.

                08:33 COURT FOR NON-PAYMENT – Added new field “Amount of pending invoices” in the notice and cut-off due to non-payment.

                08:53 CUSTOMERS – New component to show all the addresses (headquarters) of the client.

                09:06 TEMPLATES – Preview and modification for the position of signatures for the templates of the signature platforms My Rubric and VIDsigner.

                10:02 DOCUMENTS OF PURCHASE / SALE – Optimization of the “Update body” function for Purchase/Sale documents.

                10:15 CONTRACTS – A new block “Installation Address” has been added for new registrations from the Agent Panel.

                10:29 CONTRACTS – Inherit the rates with a single fee periodicity in the creation of a contract for rapid registration.

                10:50 CONTRACTS – Configuration of a pop-up message in contracts.

                11:14 SERVERS – It is allowed to link a Radius pool name to the rates.

                11:36 INCIDENTS – Modify the incidence of «Synchronize OLT Rates», so that they can be synchronized massively. The error reporting it generates has been improved.

                11:55 CUSTOMERS – View all the SIM cards associated with a line.

                12:09 ISPRESENCES – The settings made manually will be displayed in the overview.

                12:24 CUSTOMERS – Added new checkbox “Hidden account”.

                13:06 CUSTOMERS – Warning system to notify the expiration date of the bank card.


                13:47 BILLING – New fields “Reason for cancellation” and “Cause of cancellation” for contracting Bonuses.

                14:05 TICKETS – If the subject of the email sent to create a ticket contains a phone number associated with a customer, a new ticket will be created for that same customer.

                14:30 TICKETS / FLOWS – It is possible to notify departments in tickets/flows, with all the users involved receiving an email.

                14:43 CUSTOMERS – Send a link (by SMS and/or e-mail) to the client so that they can generate the SOAP reference of the Redsys online payment platform.

                15:50 SWITCHBOARDS – For IvozProvider, some fields have been relocated and translated for its configuration. In addition, we can establish billing consumption alerts.

                17:11 BUSINESS ACCOUNTS – In sending SMS, to be able to select several telephone numbers among those assigned to the client.

                17:22 CUSTOMERS – Send SMS when consolidating portability.

                18:03 TICKETS – New massive ticket modification system.

                19:25 TICKETS – When sending a ticket via email and it contains a phone number associated with a customer, a ticket will be created automatically.

                20:26 TICKETS / FLOWS – You can mention users and departments in the comments.

                20:39 BUSINESS ACCOUNTS – New check to not make a commercial discount.

                21:08 LISTINGS – Being able to program the lists to be sent as a CSV file.

                21:39 ADAMO API – In the scheduled task, review the orders in "issue", to check the API if their status has changed.

                21:56 API ALEA (FELIX) – Check the rates of the services instead of just checking the contract for its correct synchronization.

                22:14 BUSINESS ACCOUNTS – The client's identification document will be mandatory to sign. For clients of the legal entity type, it will not be mandatory.

                22:32 BUSINESS ACCOUNTS – Certified signatures of external documents, not generated by ISP.

                23:35 CUSTOMERS – The customer may be forced to change his password when he accesses the Customer Panel or the App for the first time.

                23:51 INCIDENTS – New features for the operator Lemonvil Resmes.

                24:01 CASH REGISTER – When making a cash payment, we can directly access the customer's business account. 

                24:13 CUSTOMERS – For bank accounts without IBAN verification, we have a new field to enter an “Account Name”.

                24:39 BILLING – Allow not to show banks in remittances.

                25:16 TICKETS – New field “Author last reply”, with which we will know the author of the last comment on the ticket.

                25:35 RADIUS – New check in Radius servers (RadiusManager) to distinguish upper and lower case letters when comparing PPPoE Users.

                25:52 RATES – Apply Promotions in rate changes, not only in the creation of contracts. 

                26:50 OPERATORS – In the import of CDR, the functionality of “Ignore prefixes” is added for all operators as well as the import format can be chosen.

                27:11 DOCUMENTS OF PURCHASE / SALE – In the audit, the author and the date of deletion of a purchase / sale document will be displayed.

                27:24 USERS – Allow users without HR permissions to view their own issues. 



                Read More »New version ISP Management 4.38

                New version 4.37

                  On our YouTube channel you can check the new version of our ISP Management v4.37 software.


                  News and improvements in the following sections:

                  00:09 GENERAL – New login screen design.

                  00:33 CLIENT DEVICES – Add restart and reset buttons in the ACS tab of client devices.

                  01:00 API – New incidents in the Zapi API (PTV Telecom).

                  01:16 CONTRACTS – Personalization to configure the view of Permanence in the listings.

                  02:03 SERVERS – Compatibility with sFTP servers to generate the CDR file.

                  02:16 TICKETS – When searching the comments, show if the ticket is solved or not.

                  02:44 CUSTOMERS – Email notification when a new client is created in the Agent Panel.

                  03:03 CUSTOMERS – Retrieve pin and puk without the need for the SIM card for the PTV Telecom operator.

                  03:16 CUSTOMERS – Permissions are established to be able to see the number of the unencrypted bank account.

                  03:46 CARDS – Being able to manage the types of cards registered. The necessary permissions are also set.

                  04:17 API ADAMO – Add the free Adamo API for all users.

                  04:25 CONTRACTS – Improvements in the management of Contract Permanence. Additionally, the length of stay will be displayed in days for these new rate changes.

                  05:14 SERVICES – Add Golix API columns to the services view.

                  05:28 SERVICES – Modify the services view so that it shows all contract services (active and non-active).

                  05:38 CONTRACTS – New 'IMPORTED' column added in Contract Discounts.

                  05:56 GENERAL – Customization of the color of the top bar of ISP Management. 

                  06:21 API – New functionality added to ISP Management to filter by active rates.



                  06:31 DOCUMENTS OF PURCHASE / SALE – New field to filter by the NIF of the account in the document view.

                  06:44 TELEPHONY – Being able to add two columns of the CDR (price and data) and convert it into a single value at the time of import.

                  07:04 WORK FLOWS – When saving, closing or processing a flow, un-sign automatically (as happens with tickets).

                  07:17 EFFECTS MANAGEMENT – Modify the form of payment of an effect. If it is by card, it will ask for the client's card. (For charges for referrals).

                  07:32 CASH REGISTER – Save the SOAP response so that it is shown in the POS charges.

                  08:00 CASH REGISTER – Include in the series a check to establish a series as the main one, in case of compensation of bills for cash receipts.

                  08:47 CUSTOMERS – Being able to uncheck account types in Clients, provided they meet a series of prerequisites.

                  09:37 TELEPHONY PRE-BILLING – When importing Movistar files, it will be taken into account that several days can come in the same file.

                  09:48 CLIENT DEVICES – New module 'ONT's signal drop alert.

                  10:20 TICKETS – When creating a new ticket, the Description field is added to the Customer Panel.

                  10:30 CONTRACTS – It will be allowed to create and edit Vendors to include them in the contracts.

                  11:53 PRE-BILLING OF FEES – A 'Minimum price to be charged' is established for surplus calls.

                  14:13 CONTRACTS – It can be established by default not to send the pdf as an attachment in the signature notice, to the company and to the author of a contract.

                  14:27 RATES – Limit fare changes so that a change to the original fare cannot be made.

                  14:43 CONTRACTS – For compound contracts, it will be allowed to eliminate complete or partial Portability.



                  Read More »New version 4.37

                  New version 4.36

                    On our YouTube channel you can check the new version of our ISP Management v4.36 software.


                    News and improvements in the following sections:

                    00:12 ADVANCED MODULES – Added to the Advanced Module “Limitation of Types of Documents” the View/Create permissions for the different user groups.

                    00:58 ACCOUNTING – Do not allow remittance of invoices if they are not accounted for.

                    03:01 ACCOUNTING – Choose the mail sender for sending the form 347 of the Treasury. In addition, we will have an error log in case a shipment is unsuccessful.

                    03:38 BILLING – Billing a contract to a given agent.

                    04:56 BILLING – Being able to import contracts from previous months that were not previously imported.

                    05:29 API's – Added new improvements to the PTV Telecom API. The service query for mobile lines has also been added.

                    06:08 CONTRACTS – Temporary speed changes in fiber contracts.

                    06:52 WAREHOUSE – Being able to print a transfer without having to finalize it, limiting such warehouse movements depending on the user's permissions.

                    07:42 WAREHOUSE – Alpha-numeric characters are allowed in item barcodes.

                    07:59 CONTROL PANEL – Visual improvements to configure the Control Panel with the preferences of each user.

                    08:41 PRE-BILLING OF FEES – Alerts in the Pre-billing of Fees by bank scheme.

                    09:18 APIs – The list of calls and consumption in real time from Cablemóvil (MásMóvil) is shown. This upgrade is also available in the Customer Area.

                    09:59 ACCOUNTING – It is allowed to export the Chart of Accounts in Excel format.

                    10:11 CASH – The STRIPE platform charges are shown as such in the POS.

                    10:26 RATES – Apply and/or duplicate promotions according to the category of the account.

                    12:22 DDI – Export DDI data to Excel.

                    12:37 DOCUMENTS – Visual improvements to correctly view documents before printing them.

                    12:55 STORES – Show the remittance payment methods.

                    13:28 API's – New functionalities in the API of Aire Networks for the SIM card.

                    13:47 ARTICLES – Assign a photograph as the main one for printing on purchase/sale documents.




                    14:15 INVOICES – Notice for details of calls in CSV file.

                    14:50 RATES – For top-ups, the customer (from their Client Area) can change their rate.

                    15:58 WAREHOUSE – For inventories, to be able to carry out warehouse movements by users with specific permissions.

                    17:06 CASH – It is allowed to recharge for full months (also from the Client Area).

                    17:42 BOX – Being able to edit the forms of collection that have been made in the boxes.

                    18:32 CUSTOMER PANEL – Register and show bank cards in the Customer Area.

                    19:18 USERS – Being able to send marketing emails to the contacts in the agenda created by the user, not only to the email of the personal account by default.

                    20:09 SIM – When exporting SIM cards, the code and name of the client is displayed in the 'clienteid' field.

                    20:21 INVOICES – In invoices with a claim generated in ICIRED, register partial or total payment in the ICIRED platform automatically when making a payment.

                    21:07 TICKETS – Added a search engine (also in the Client Area) to be able to filter by the desired word or words.

                    21:43 CONTRACTS – Manage Document Signing notices through the workflow.

                    22:02 WAREHOUSE – Choose the number of labels to print, regardless of the amount of stock of the item in question.

                    22:26 ISPRESENCES – Being able to subtract overtime from a worker.

                    22:50 WORKFLOWS – For compound flows, it is possible to manage notices when a simple flow is activated, not only at the time of its creation.

                    23:16 PURCHASE/SALE DOCUMENTS – A shortcut to billing series has been added.

                    23:27 BILLING – In the vouchers, to be able to choose the field that interests us in the concept of billing.

                    23:44 CUSTOMERS – Added the 'Nationality' field in the customer's personal data.

                    23:57 CONTRACTS – Added fields to confirm if the rate change via API has been done correctly or has had a problem.

                    24:13 CLIENT DEVICES – Added DHCP+RADIUS (Radius Manager) support.



                    Read More »New version 4.36

                    New version 4.35

                      On our YouTube channel you can check the new version of our ISP Management v4.35 software.

                      News and improvements in the following sections:

                      • API Holded
                      • ISP Management API
                      • Kiwifruit API
                      • Articles
                      • Box
                      • Contracts
                      • Business Accounts
                      • Purchase / Sale Documents
                      • Marketing
                      • Messenger service

                      • Technical Menu
                      • Clients Panel
                      • Templates
                      • Pre-invoicing of Quotas
                      • Remittances
                      • Series
                      • Rates
                      • Tickets
                      • POS
                      • Users

                      Read More »New version 4.35

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