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Predefined Messages

    It allows their use for various software management without having to write them every time it is necessary.

    Request Vacation

      A quick and simple process with which our workers can request their vacations or any other permit.

      HR Event Management

        From a single screen, you can create different HR events for your employees without having to go worker by worker individually.

        Configure POS

          Our POS software stands out for its ease of configuration and use. Ideal for users looking for a fast and efficient solution.

          Types of Business Accounts

            Classify your Clients and Suppliers into various types or categories that will help you in your segmentation and better control.

            Server Configuration

              Add API servers, SMS, Whatsapp, Email and Mailings platforms for integration into ISP Management.

              Messaging settings

                With ISP Gestión you can configure various notices and notifications, both for use by the company and those that will be shown to your clients, whether by email, SMS, WhatsApp, etc.

                Edit the Billing concept

                  Configure the text that will be displayed as a Configuration Concept on your clients' invoices, with the various variables available in our ISP Management software.

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