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Nueva versión ISP Gestión 5.8

    Bienvenidos a la nueva versión 5.8 de #ISPGestión, la solución MÁS completa para operadores. Seguimos evolucionando para ofrecerte un software más robusto, eficiente y adaptado a las necesidades diarias del sector. En esta nueva versión, incorporamos innovaciones clave que optimizan la gestión y mejoran laRead More »Nueva versión ISP Gestión 5.8

    Nueva versión ISP Gestión 5.7

      En nuestro canal de YouTube puedes consultar la nueva versión de nuestro software ISP Gestión v5.7.

      We update our software #ISPManagement a la nueva versión 5.7, destacando brevemente las novedades más significativas de esta versión:

      1. Ya hemos implementado la creación de prefijos IPv6 en ISP Gestión y además optimizamos el uso de gestión de IPs así como mejoras visuales en su interfaz. También se ha incluido que los prefijos IPv6 se puedan agregar como prefijos en Radius, al igual que se pueden indicar IPs estáticas en IPv4.
      2. Para nuestros almacenes, un nuevo sistema de Segmentación de artículos va a transformar su gestión, permitiendo mayor flexibilidad sin depender de categorías o modelos tradicionales. Además, este sistema facilita la creación de nuevos elementos con códigos generados automáticamente según los segmentos.
      3. Con la integración de Onivia en ISP Gestión, podremos realizar diversas operaciones directamente con este operador, como nuevas órdenes de alta de fibra, gestión completa de líneas móviles y packs de fibra y móvil.
      4. Se ha implementado un nuevo desarrollo para la funcionalidad de Recargas Móviles, que posibilita la creación de contratos de línea móvil tipo prepago con recargas periódicas.
      5. La última novedad a destacar es para la optimización del control de Efectos devueltos en ISP Gestión, permitiendo (con muy pocos clics), configurar el máximo de devoluciones por cliente, limitar las remesas de un efecto y definir plazos mínimos para volver a remesar devoluciones.

      Utilizando los siguientes códigos de tiempo, pueden acceder de manera directa a todas las novedades y mejoras que componen la nueva versión 5.7 de ISP Gestión.


      02:38 – Nuevo sistema de Segmentación para nuestros artículos.

      04:41 – Cambios a la hora de modificar precios.

      05:37 – Visibilidad teclado numérico TPV.

      06:16 – Impresión masiva de etiquetas de artículos.

      06:35 – Generar pedidos de compra individuales por proveedor.

      07:26 – Añadir varias líneas de un mismo artículo y almacén varias veces (control de stock).

      07:52 – Solo mostrar artículos de los almacenes permitidos.

      08:13 – Código de artículo en los cambios de Producto a Servicio.


      08:42 – Configurar perfil para bajas temporales del operador Adamo.

      09:07 – Integración de la API de PTV Bitstream.

      09:45 – Altas líneas móviles y Packs para el operador Onivia.

      10:13 – Recargas de contratos vía API de Krill y Adamo.


      10:29 – Exportar la totalidad de los enlaces contables.


      10:53 – Módulo de Recargas para líneas Móviles (operador Tmovil).

      12:44 – Nuevo filtro ’Operador’ para los informes de Contratos.

      13:02 – Contratos tipo Recargas para líneas Móviles.

      13:22 – Titular previo en un Servicio sin estar dado de alta en nuestro sistema ISP.

      14:29 – Editar líneas individualmente de un servicio comparte GB.


      14:59 – Para la firma de documentos agrupados, regreso automático al listado tras firmar.

      15:34 – Nueva columna ‘Situación’ para las vistas de documentos.


      16:10 – Nueva operativa para el control y la gestión de Efectos devueltos.

      18:07 – Importación de albaranes de venta a Contratos por detalle de Servicios.


      19:39 – Optimización y mejoras visuales para las Flotas de Vehículos.


      20:02 – Tramitación del flujo tras la firma de un documento.

      20:25 – Botón ‘Me lo quedo’ en el propio flujo.


      20:55 – Añadir archivos adjuntos en el envío de whatsapp masivos.


      21:38 – Aprovisionamiento OLT ZTE mediante perfiles.

      22:36 – Seleccionar varios artículos al importar un equipo.

      22:56 – Optimización para la gestión de IP’s. Integración IPv6.


      24:48 – Limitar acceso en la Gestión Documental.


      25:11 – Canales para tickets.

      26:54 – Documentos relacionados para los tickets (información y acceso).

      27:35 – Asignar Estado a tickets.

      28:02 – Motivo de Cierre para tickets.

      29:15 – Autoasignación de tickets mediante el Contrato.

      Read More »Nueva versión ISP Gestión 5.7

      Nueva versión ISP Gestión 5.6

        En nuestro canal de YouTube puedes consultar la nueva versión de nuestro software ISP Gestión v5.6.

        We update our software #ISPManagement a la nueva versión 5.6, destacando brevemente las novedades más significativas de esta versión:

        1. Un nuevo desarrollo nos permitirá asignar y distribuir los Tickets automáticamente entre los usuarios de un mismo departamento de forma equitativa. Esto facilitará una gestión más ágil y eficiente de las comunicaciones con nuestros clientes.
        2. Para los Contracts hemos añadido una nueva funcionalidad con la que podremos dar de baja de manera masiva la totalidad o solo aquellos contratos que deseemos de un determinado cliente en un solo paso.
        3. Con el objetivo de ofrecer una mejor experiencia a nuestros clientes, al crear un Ticket desde su Panel de Cliente, verán información o instrucciones útiles que podrían ayudarles a resolver el problema antes de enviar la solicitud.
        4. Finalmente, y referente a las API's, la integración con el operador SILBO, nos permitirá administrar directamente desde ISP Gestión la creación de clientes, verificar la cobertura de fibra, así como crear nuevos pedidos de móvil y fibra, entre otros servicios.

        Utilizando los siguientes códigos de tiempo, pueden acceder de manera directa a todas las novedades y mejoras que componen la nueva versión 5.6 de ISP Gestión.


        02:40 – Exportación de vistas en segundo plano para agilizar y optimizar el proceso.

        03:13 – Añadir a la plantilla de Recibos de Caja una variable para mostrar el importe pendiente.

        04:00 – Nueva operativa para los Departamentos sin asignar.


        05:02 – Limitar los permisos de los Agentes en documentos de compra/venta.


        05:22 – Movimientos de Almacén: Importar CSV y Altas / Bajas en un único proceso.

        06:00 – Nuevo filtro para los artículos de Almacén que cumplan los valores introducidos.


        06:46 – Implementación API para el operador SILBO.

        07:43 – Consulta de Cobertura de Fibra para el operador LIKES TELECOM.

        08:09 – Consulta de números PIN / PUK para el operador LIKES TELECOM.

        08:33 – Mostrar token para el operador ZAPI.


        08:51 – Dar de baja masivamente Contratos de un mismo cliente.

        09:39 – Añadir opción de transporte MRW en el alta de tarifas móviles con portabilidad.

        09:57 – Mostar Trunk o DDI en Contratos comparte GB.

        10:30 – Observaciones en Contratos a la carta.

        11:02 – Añadir informes para cambios de Titular.

        11:23 – Mostrar si el cliente está o no baneado en la exportación desde Contratos.


        11:46 – Añadir Calendario de Cobro desde el alta rápida de Cuentas Comerciales.

        12:04 – Nuevo permiso para actualizar la contraseña cliente de manera individual.

        12:57 – Añadir adjuntos para las comunicaciones vía WhatsApp desde la Cuenta Comercial.


        13:18 – Cambios en el método de añadir números de serie. FACTURACIÓN

        13:58 – Añadir IUA del servicio en el campo Concepto de Facturación.

        15:02 – Mostrar los Grupos de Facturación desde la Prefacturación de Cuotas.


        15:43 – Anulación de un documento pendiente de firma desde el menú de Gestión de Contratos Online.


        16:22 – Mostrar el nombre completo de cada filtro en la vista de Listados.


        16:44 – La pestaña SMS / Emails pasa a denominarse Mensajería.

        17:00 – Añadir información del tipo Aviso Legal en nuestros mensajes.

        17:42 – Nueva variable para añadir el nombre de la pasarela de pago.


        18:08 – Aumento de la compatibilidad para cabeceras ZTE y mostrar el perfil DBA.

        18:29 – Añadir Usuario y Contraseña CWMP en servidores ACS para ONT’s HUAWEI aprovisionadas mediante OLT’S ZTE.

        18:57 – Agregar etiquetas al generar el SSID de un equipo.

        19:30 – Obtener las IP’s de Gestión y VoIP consecutivas en Radius.

        19:51 – Mostrar la IPv6 asignada desde Radius en los Dispositivos Cliente.

        20:03 – Sustituir Dispositivo Cliente vinculado a la API de LYNTIA.

        21:05 – Mostrar / modificar SSID y Password para el canal 5G en dispositivos TP-LINK.


        21:27 – Nueva funcionalidad Comunicaciones por Impago. (Link videotutorial específico).

        22:37 – Notificar al cliente desde el Calendario de Instalaciones.


        23:05 – Exportar a fichero CSV la lista completa de Permisos.


        23:24 – Promociones APP en Panel de Clientes.


        23:59 – Nueva regla relativa a los descuentos para los cambios de Tarifa masivos.


        25:33 – Asociar llamada a un Trunk específico en lugar de asociarla al DDI.


        26:09 – Asignación automática de Tickets.

        27:34 – Mostar información para el usuario al crear un Ticket desde su Área de Cliente.


        27:58 – Creación de widgets personalizados.

        Read More »Nueva versión ISP Gestión 5.6

        New version ISP Management 5.5

          On our YouTube channel you can check out the new version of our ISP Management v5.5 software.

          We update our software #ISPManagement to the new version 5.5, briefly highlighting the most significant new features of this version:

          1. The first novelty is that now we will be able to carry out our shipments via WhatsApp for our notifications and notices to clients. With this we have one more communication channel that is used mostly by our users and clients.
          2. A second novelty is for the TTB API and now we can create compound rate increases in ISP Gestión and these will be formalized directly in the TTB operator.
          3. And a third novelty is the integration of the OZMAP platform, a tool to manage and optimize network infrastructures in a personalized way. Operators that have created their fiber network on this platform will be able to manage client devices from ISP Management, being able to indicate the box, splitter and output to which they are connected.

          Using the following time codes, you can directly access all the new features and improvements that make up the new version 5.5 of ISP Gestión.


          01:41 – Added portability with bonus included for the Air operator.

          01:55 – Registration of composite rates for the TTB operator.

          04:18 – New Twilio platform for SMS.


          04:56 – Indicate in the Events if the date has been requested by the Client.

          C/V DOCUMENTS

          05:26 – Massively close unfinished C/V Documents.


          06:19 – Include / Exclude services in the Non-Payment Cutoff to Client Devices created previously.

          06:41 – Communications for Non-Payment to our clients.

          07:34 – Generation of short links without expiration limit for Redsys / Soap payments.


          08:23 – Use of Additional Files in C/V Documents.

          08:39 – Single or single-use field for Additional Tokens.

          09:17 – Variable generator to include in Document Templates.


          10:22 – Mark Workflows / Tickets as priorities.

          11:34 – SLA for Workflows / Tickets by department.


          12:40 – Integration of OZmap into ISP Gestión.

          13:48 – OLT technical integration from the Vsol firm.

          14:04 – Option to reset the previous OAuth2 token by requesting a new one in the department email. from Microsoft365.

          14:33 – Sort grid of TR069 fields to facilitate comparison between them.

          14:53 – RRD graphs of network traffic in ONTs connected to a Huawei / ZTE / Nucom / Vsol OLT.

          15:18 – Auto-store value of the Optical Signal of a CTO when the daily cron is executed.

          15:43 – Remove ONT from your OLT automatically for definitive cancellations of Contracts.

          16:32 – Show the dynamic management IP granted by DHCP on the Client Device.


          17:09 – Integration of Whatsapp in ISP Management, to send our clients and users Notifications, Notices, Invoices, Documentation, etc.


          19:02 – Log file download for massive Rate changes.


          19:37 – Associate and Create DDI to Trunk via file.

          Read More »New version ISP Management 5.5

          New version ISP Management 5.4

            On our YouTube channel you can check out the new version of our ISP Management v5.4 software.

            We update our software #ISPManagement to the new version 5.4, briefly highlighting the most significant new features of this version:

            1. We expand the range of operation for the GIS module, and thanks to the new export in KMZ format, we can share the elements visible on the map for other geolocation software.
            2. We will now be able to relate the initial code of the series of Billing with the last two digits of the year of the document, defining PERPETUAL SERIES at ISP Management.
            3. Also, in our predefined messages for collection of outstanding invoices we can integrate a payment link for BIZUM.
            4. And the MOLLIE payment gateway, is now available to pay unpaid invoices from the Clients Panel.

            Using the following time codes, you can directly access all the new features and improvements that make up the new version 5.4 of ISP Gestión.


            01:42 – Export the Articles report in pdf format.


            02:13 – Inform the host in a Friend Promotion.

            02:53 – Notification to Clients from Calendar Events.


            05:58 – Auto-fillable cancellation date for single installments in À la Carte Contracts.

            06:19 – Visual improvements for Relationships.


            06:47 – Define a Series as Perpetual.

            07:31 – Bizum collection link for pending invoices.

            07:50 – New Mollie payment gateway for the Customer Panel.

            08:25 – Show the Trade Name in the Returned Items report.

            TECHNICAL MENU

            08:46 – Transfer MAC calculation to Item level.

            09:36 – Special permission to Activate/Deactivate ONT's from the Fiber tab.

            10:04 – Blocking of the OLT field if an OLT is already assigned.

            10:33 – Disable ONT at the GPON level.

            11:10 – Export in KMZ format from the GIS module.

            CUSTOMER PANEL

            11:34 – Add custom URL as a link for the Customer Panel.


            12:25 – Regenerate Work Calendar en masse.


            13:02 – Export the Trunk list in Excel format.


            13:24 – Duplicate attachment data with the original date and time of its creation.

            Read More »New version ISP Management 5.4

            New version ISP Management 5.3

              On our YouTube channel you can check out the new version of our ISP Management v5.3 software.

              We update our software #ISPManagement to the new version 5.3, for which we highlight two very significant new features with which we expand the range of operation of our software:

              1. As a main novelty, a new development to Relate Contracts, Tickets and Workflows to each other (00:46), in such a way that, in the event of any modification in any of them, the system will notify us if the others will be affected in any way.
              2. The second new feature is for the TTB API (00:21), to which we have added new functionalities.

              Using the following time codes, you can directly access all the new features and improvements that make up the new version 5.3 of ISP Gestión.


              01:17 – Manual deregistration in ADAMO.


              01:48 – Notification to the client of successful (or failed) POS payment of their invoices.

              02:28 – Sending communications from Workflows / Tickets.


              03:22 – Register different types of streets.

              03:36 – Show default invoices in Commercial Accounts.

              TECHNICAL MENU

              04:25 – Incidence for the massive configuration of equipment.

              05:00 – Mass restart incident of ONT's.

              CUSTOMER PANEL

              05:41 – Selection of invoices pending payment.


              06:16 – “Reopened” status by default when reopening a new Ticket.

              06:44 – When duplicating Tickets, copy more data than the original (configurable).

              Read More »New version ISP Management 5.3

              v5.2 update

                On our YouTube channel you can check the update to version 5.2 of our ISP Management software.

                The new features and improvements are related to the following modules:


                00:32 – Selection of invoices pending payment from the Customer Panel.

                01:10 – Customize the position of the link for downloading the invoice.

                01:38 – Visual improvement for Deposit Cancellation documents.

                01:58 – Link to be inserted in the email / SMS for the payment of the returned Items.


                02:32 – Change of Association ISP operator rates.

                WORK FLOWS

                03:03 – Optimized monitoring of Main Flows and their associated flows.

                03:51 – Changes in the Process and Save functions (mobile version).


                04:26 – Improvements in Ticket Email Management.

                Read More »v5.2 update

                New version ISP Management 5.2

                  On our YouTube channel you can check out the new version of our ISP Management v5.2 software.

                  We update our software #ISPManagement to the new version 5.2, highlighting three very significant new features with which we expand the range of operation of our software:

                  1. As a main novelty, we have implemented the 2023 Digital Bonus at ISP Gestión (01:22). This bonus is part of the Digital Kit program, financed by the European Union – Next Generation and is intended to make a monthly reduction in the price of internet in homes, applying a significant discount. With this improvement in ISP Gestión, we will be able to easily manage said discount for those of our clients who are beneficiaries of the Bonus..
                  2. Also and as a second novelty, we have developed a API for the interconnection of two or more ISP instances Management (04:49). By using this new API, we will be able to connect with other operators that also use ISP Gestión, in order to avoid duplication when entering the necessary data and make the contracting, downloading and monitoring of all the information more agile.
                  3. And the third novelty has to do with the mailings for our clients (19:21), since now we can use for shipping (if we wish) a SMTP mail server instead of using the traditional API.

                  Using the following time codes, you can directly access all the new features and improvements that make up the new version 5.2 of ISP Gestión.


                  01:22 – Management of the 2023 Digital Bonus (EU Next Generation Programme).


                  02:06 – Choice of destination Warehouse for Deposit cancellations.

                  03:36 – Cancel several items in Deposits in the same document.

                  04:13 – New OBSERVATIONS field for Warehouse movements.


                  04:37 – New Incidents for LIKES TELECOM.

                  04:49 – ISP Management as external API.

                  05:48 – Creation of Contracts with e-SIM type cards (AIRE NETWORKS API).

                  06:14 – New Incidents for the VENUSCAS TV platform.

                  06:38 – Registration of cards for the GOSPELL TV platform.


                  07:09 – Button to update the accounting accounts of the lines of a Purchase/Sale Document.


                  07:40 – New column to view documents signed using the MY RUBRIC API.

                  BUSINESS ACCOUNTS

                  08:24 – New RECEIVE ADVERTISING filter for the Business Accounts view. PURCHASE/SALE DOCUMENTS.

                  08:45 – Modify the status of the Purchase/Sale Documents.

                  10:05 – Total sums in the view of Documents Issued, Received and Others.

                  10:22 – Create a Group of Delivery Notes manually.

                  11:07 – Show supplier data in the Corrective Invoices.

                  11:23 – Generate cancellation of Deposits and Amortization in changes of Owner.


                  12:49 – Non-Payment Cutoff and Line Reactivation Functionality for ZTE OLTs.

                  WORK FLOWS

                  13:08 – Use Categories and Subcategories in Workflows.

                  13:57 – Stay/Request a Workflow.

                  15:29 – Mark Incidents as completed only when the task has been executed.

                  TECHNICAL MENU

                  16:02 – New Incident: Assign DHCP MAC detected in OLT.

                  16:42 – ZTE ONT integration and compatibility for ADAMO.

                  16:57 – Speed synchronization of service ports with the Rate assigned in ZTE OLTs.

                  17:30 – Support for provisioning the Nucom NJ-6R Pro router using the TFTP protocol.


                  17:50 – Permission to view Incidents only from Workflows.

                  18:16 – Permission to edit any Workflow.

                  18:47 – Permission to delete or duplicate Events.


                  19:21 – Sending mailings using an SMTP mail server.


                  20:27 – Optimization for Call Surpluses (faster import).

                  Read More »New version ISP Management 5.2

                  New version ISP Management 5.1

                    On our YouTube channel you can check out the new version of our ISP Management v5.1 software.

                    We updated our ISP Management software for operators to the new version 5.1, highlighting three important new features:

                    • As a main novelty, a new functionality has been developed to improve, optimize and streamline the SENDING OUR INVOICES IN MASS FORM. Now, clients will receive in their email a link to view online and download (if they wish) the corresponding invoice, at the same time that we delete the attached file from the email. With this we managed to improve our spam rate, as well as more speed in sending our emails.
                    • The second novelty is that our users already have a new DOCUMENT TEMPLATE, which accommodates the Regulations of Order CTE/711/2002, of March 26, which determines the conditions that must be met by the entities providing the telephone consultation service on subscriber numbers, to which the telephone code 118xx is attributed. , and which came into force on October 28, 2023.
                    • Finally, the third novelty has to do with the COURIER DELIVERY, since now, our clients will be able to receive the messages we send them in the language that we have previously configured in their client file.

                    In addition, in this new version, you can find new features and improvements in the following sections:


                    01:45 – Export the view of POS charges to a file.


                    02:09 – Integration of the VenusCAS and GOSPELL TV platforms.

                    03:09 – New Fiber Incidents for PTV TELECOM.

                    03:22 – Change of owner for CABLEMÓVIL.

                    03:59 – Rate change with the possibility of adding promotions for CABLEMÓVIL.


                    04:41 – Operator rate change via API from the Service.

                    04:57 – Mass import Discounts / Charges via file.

                    05:45 – Link Client Device in the rate change of a Service.

                    06:09 – Transfers from pre-client to client and from pre-contract to contract separately.

                    BUSINESS ACCOUNTS

                    06:36 – Mandatory fields in the customer address. PURCHASE/SALE DOCUMENTS

                    06:56 – Create a new Ticket from a Purchase/Sale Document.


                    07:46 – Add a link to view/download the invoice in bulk invoice emails, eliminating the attachment.

                    08:23 – Duplicate Billing Series.

                    WORK FLOWS

                    08:44 – Unlink events from a Workflow / Ticket.

                    09:34 – New automatic process task “Generate Invoicing (Delivery Note/Deposit) and process Documents”.

                    POINTS MANAGEMENT

                    10:15 – Notify the user when consolidating points.

                    TECHNICAL MENU

                    10:50 – Improved error messages for sending notifications to clients connected to a node.

                    11:45 – GIS Module: New icon for Junction Boxes.

                    12:01 – New permissions to show the Radius tab and restart ALBENTIA devices.

                    12:20 – Show the DCHP MikroTik server in the IP drop-down menu of the Client Device.

                    13:42 – Detailed error messages for GPON registrations.

                    14:01 – Massively unlink ONTs connected to an OLT.

                    14:29 – Improvements in the integration of ZTE devices.


                    14:52 – Informative message for creating a valid password.

                    15:13 – Exclude users from mentions.

                    16:13 – Sending Messages in the client's configured language.


                    17:44 – New Permission for two-step verification (2FA).

                    18:47 – Call history for Agents.

                    DOCUMENT TEMPLATES

                    19:19 – New template for Telephony Regulations, which complies with Order CTE/711/2002, of March 26 (Telephone consultations 118xx).

                    20:00 – Document Templates with “checkbox” type fields marked by default.


                    20:30 – Improvements for Event Management in HR.


                    21:43 – Telephony Closure on different dates for different operators.

                    23:14 – Inclusion of Additional Files for DDI's.


                    23:35 – Add attachments to Tickets and pin/unpin Notes on them.

                    24:30 – New “Contract Category” field to filter in the Tickets view.

                    Read More »New version ISP Management 5.1

                    New version ISP Management 5.03

                      On our YouTube channel you can check out the new version of our ISP Management software v5.03.

                      We updated our ISP Management software for operators to the new version 5.03. On this occasion we highlight two important developments:

                      • The first is found in the DOCUMENTARY MANAGEMENT, since we have re-designed everything related to the TEMPLATES MAINTENANCE, as well as increased functionality. Now, we have a preview of all the templates available that we can use to personalize all our documents. These templates will progressively increase with more modern and current designs, and we have made their use easier, since with just the click of a button we can add them to our documents that we are going to use with ISP Gestión.
                      • The second novelty has to do with the TECHNICAL MENU, since we added the power functionality send a notification (email or sms) to clients connected to a DHCP Server or a PPPoE server. Also, and to increase operability, we added the possibility of filtering the clients of an OLT to notify exclusively those of a PON card or port.

                      In addition, in this new version, you can find new features and improvements in the following sections:


                      01:50 – Preview the Document Template from the series settings.

                      02:04 – In the POS Collections view, show the document number charged.

                      02:22 – Add the “PRECONTRACT” label in the Services view.

                      02:37 – Show the user who made the payment with a Card or virtual POS.


                      03:06 – New module to control the Expiration of Articles and their revisions.


                      05:24 – Integration of automatic processes with the MINISTR TV API.

                      05:52 – Show the installation address in Services and Flows for GOLIX.

                      06:13 – Show the errors returned by the GOLIX API.

                      06:37 – Creation of Tasks for scheduled changes in GOLIX.

                      07:02 – Automatic selection of the KRILL API for new contracts.

                      07:24 – TEST button for APIs without option to check your connection.


                      07:47 – Be able to deactivate Event Category.

                      08:03 – Add Ticket data to Events.


                      08:28 – Transfer Services to new Contracts if they are not included in the new Rate.

                      09:02 – Show Processing User in the Contracts view.

                      09:23 – Import line to new Share GB contract.

                      10:12 – Radius connection failure notice when recharging the Bonus.

                      10:49 – Configure default sender for SMS document notifications.

                      CLIENT DEVICES

                      11:13 – New ADAMO tab for Client Devices.

                      DOCUMENTS OF PURCHASE / SALE

                      11:40 – Possibility of adding Tracking in completed Purchase/Sale Documents.

                      11:58 – Allocation of Points for Purchase/Sale Documents.


                      12:29 – Collect Advances through virtual POS.

                      13:10 – Cancellation of POS charges.


                      13:43 – Show Users who have made trips with fleet vehicles.

                      TECHNICAL MENU

                      14:09 – Send a notification (email / SMS) to clients connected to a DHCP or PPPoE server.

                      16:03 – New “Print” button for the GIS module merger chart.

                      16:23 – Show error message if ACS Profiles to clone are not found.

                      16:57 – Added compatibility with Huawei XGPON cards.

                      17:11 – Autocomplete the Radius Pool on Client Devices when selecting the Node.


                      18:36 – Before deleting an Operator, show a notice and link to the Rates that are associated with it.

                      CUSTOMER PANEL

                      19:06 – Show the name of the person who created the Ticket.

                      19:27 – Direct access to the Add New Comment block.

                      19:52 – View consumption in real time for the CABLEMÓVIL operator.

                      DOCUMENT TEMPLATES

                      20:11 – Preview of all Document Templates and customization of them.


                      21:28 – Add alternative profile for ALBENTIA rates.


                      21:58 – Automatic selection of the signature for sending emails from a Ticket.

                      Read More »New version ISP Management 5.03

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