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Privacy Policy



    1. ID

    Responsible for the treatment: ISPGESTIÓN PROVIDER SL
    CIF: B-23799117
    Home: Avda. De Iberoamérica 2, 2ºA. 23,680 Alcalá la Real, Jaén (Spain).
    Data Protection Officer: The user can contact the Data Protection Officer through email


    ISPGESTIÓN PROVIDER SL will process the following categories of personal data:

    From the web user:

    • Name and email.

    From the client of ISPGESTIÓN PROVIDER SL:

    • Identifying data.
    • User and / or client identification codes or keys for the web.
    • Bank details for the collection of the services provided.
    • CLIENT data that must be incorporated into the ISP MANAGEMENT application.



    ISPGESTIÓN PROVIDER SL will process the data provided by the user and client for the following purposes:

    1. Purposes based on the fulfillment of the commercial or pre-commercial relationship.
    • Maintenance, management, development and control of the contractual relationship for the provision of the ISP GESTIÓN service.
    • Manage, process and respond to requests, requests, incidents or queries from the user or client, when contacting through the form or chat included on the web.


    1. Purposes based on Legitimate Interest:
    • Manage the sending of own commercial communications about ISPGESTIÓN PROVIDER SL services similar to those contracted by the client.

    ISPGESTIÓN PROVIDER SL will process the user's personal data, during the essential time to guarantee the provision of the requested services, respond to queries raised through the web or fulfill the purpose for which they are processed. Once the previous periods have ended, personal data will be kept, where appropriate, blocked for the sole purpose of filing claims or legal actions in relation to the services, their invoicing or payment claim, during the legal periods.

    In the cases in which we obtain data automatically through cookies, you can limit its use over time by deleting it from browsers or devices. You can consult detailed instructions in the Cookies Policy.


    The data of the user or client may be communicated to the following organizations and entities of a public or private nature:

    • The Public Administrations or Judicial Power in the cases in which it is compulsory provided by the legal system.
    • Banks and Financial Entities for the collection of the services offered.
    • Other companies in the business group for internal administrative purposes and the management of contracted products and services.
    • Files and Registers of Capital Solvency and Credit Risk in cases of non-payment of the services provided.


    The user or client can exercise at any time, free of charge and in accordance with the regulation provided in the General Data Protection Regulation and in Organic Law 3/2018 on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, the rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability, opposition and limitation of treatment.

    For this, you must send a signed document in exercise of the right along with your copy of DNI / NIE to ISPGESTIÓN PROVIDER SL, Av. Iberoamérica nº 2, 2ºA de Alcalá la Real (Jaén), postal code 23.680 or alternatively sending them through email

    Likewise, you are informed that you can file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection through the electronic headquarters of its web portal ( or by writing to your postal address (C / Jorge Juan, 6, 28001-Madrid).

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