Backend developer

Alcala la Real
Posted 2 months ago


We are looking for a programmer with experience in the field of backend development with PHP frameworks, valuing teamwork and communication with the client

Knowledge of version control systems such as GIT.

Integrations of payment gateways will be valued

Candidates participate in an online digital recruitment experience where they can show their values, skills and aptitudes and enhance their personal brand.

At least two years of demonstrable experience is required

Proactive and able to work as a team.

Experience in integrating with REST APIs

Type of position: Full time

Job Features

Job CategoryBackend Scheduler
Experiencia En Phpa:2:{s:5:"label";s:18:"PHP experience";s:5:"value";s:7:"2 years";}
Gestion De Base De Datosa:2:{s:5:"label";s:24:"Database management";s:5:"value";s:7:"2 years";}
Formacióna:2:{s:5:"label";s:10:"Training";s:5:"value";s:18:"FP2/Higher Degree";}
Número De Puestos a:2:{s:5:"label";s:19:"Number of positions:";s:5:"value";s:1:"2";}

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